Servicevindue for Vodafones M2M-tjeneste / Service window for Vodafone's M2M service
Scheduled Maintenance Report for TDC Erhverv Cloud Solutions
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Jul 29, 2024 - 04:15 CEST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jul 28, 2024 - 21:25 CEST
Servicevindue for Vodafones M2M-tjeneste

Starttidspunkt for servicepåvirkning: 28/7 kl. 22:00 (UTC)
Sluttidspunkt for servicepåvirkning: 29/7 kl. 4:00 (UTC)

Der vil være en planlagt ændring i tjenesten:

Starttidspunkt for ændring: 28/7 kl. 21:25 (UTC)
Sluttidspunkt for ændring: 29/7 kl. 4:15 (UTC)

Under dette servicevindue kan der være påvirkning af Vodafones M2M-tjeneste. Vi beklager eventuelle gener, og vi arbejder hårdt på at sikre, at tjenesten hurtigt vender tilbage til normal drift.


Service window for Vodafone's M2M service

Start time for service impact: 28/7 at 22:00 (UTC)
End time for service impact: 29/7 at 4:00 (UTC)

There will be a planned change in the service:

Start time for change: 28/7 at 21:25 (UTC)
End time for change: 29/7 at 4:15 (UTC)

During this service window, Vodafone's M2M service may be affected. We apologize for any inconvenience and are working hard to ensure that the service returns to normal operation as soon as possible.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 20:58 CEST
This scheduled maintenance affected: IoT Connectivity.